Can the average person build their own home? Yes. Can they do it without the help of an experienced home builder? I would say, No.
When I first meet with new homeowners we discuss the desired home, past experiences and the many dos and don’ts of homebuilding. A declaration of “I can build my own home” is not uncommon and is really something that with proper guidance can be done. If you are organized, have the ability to schedule and multi-task you can build your own home. Do you need to know how to read a set of plans and know all of the current codes? No, but that is why you hire a contractor/consultant.
The truth is that most people want to build their own home to save money. A new home is typically your largest one time investment and thus no mystery that it is also the largest opportunity to save money. I would not suggest that you attempt this process without a contractor as a consultant. Too many miscues can cost you dearly in time and materials. With a consultant on board, you will be guided through the entire process from start to finish and also select line items that you can do yourself and reduce costs.
Where do we start?
Let me explain…..